Exceptional Event Coverage is Within Reach…

Event coverage is more than just a click of a button. You want professional photographers that understand lighting and can problem solve on the spot. You want to know that you are taken care of no matter what happens.

We want you to enjoy the party, and know that we got you covered.

What kind of events to do we cover?

Our Process is Simple…

1.) Let’s Talk : We would love to get to know you and your project a bit better. We will have a consultation either virtual or in person so we can discuss what you are wanting exactly and help us to better understand how we can work together to create and capture some stunning imagery of your event or celebration.

2.) Booking : This is easy once we know what you are looking for. We do require a deposit to confirm the booking appointment but our online payment options make that part of the process effortless. Once the deposit is paid considered yourself booked!

3.) Final Delivery : Once we work together to create and capture captivating and compelling imagery we will work on our end to perfect the final product! Our image gallery and video delivery timeline varies on a per project basis.